The white house is the restaurant, and I can recommend it if you arrive with boat or car. The food and service was the best. Her gikk vi i dag. The mountains from todays dogwalk... Naustvollan Sm?b?thavn. visit Hagemor Fotosafari too.
The white house is the restaurant, and I can recommend it if you arrive with boat or car. The food and service was the best. Her gikk vi i dag. The mountains from todays dogwalk... Naustvollan Sm?b?thavn. visit Hagemor Fotosafari too.
jeg kunne jo ikke b?re de tunge stammene, s? steinar saga ? kjell bar..mens jeg satt ? s?g p?:) dro vell p? naustvollan kl 10 elns. godt ? komme seg ut i det fine v?ret som har v?rt idag, likavel om det har v?rt kaldt til meg. ...